Dental Center Dentus•Dentino
offers complex services and the most innovative dental technologies
You are a good candidate for Brackets if you have:
- visible space between the teeth
- crowded teeth
- teeth positioned higher or lower, further back or further forward
- incorrect bite
- a remaining milk tooth
- narrow jaw
You are a good candidate for OLA, Invisalign dental caps if you have:
- gaps between the teeth
- incorrect bite
- incorrectly positioned teeth
- crowded teeth
- inclined, twisted teeth
You are a good candidate for veneers if you have:
- stained, cracked, chipped teeth
- discolored teeth
- space between the teeth
- uneven teeth, small teeth
You are a good candidate for dental crowns if you have:
- 50% decayed teeth
- stained, cracked, discolored teeth
- very affected teeth (caries, dental erosion)
- a missing tooth
Tips You Can Count On. Read useful information from experts
Dental Center Dentus•Dentino!
Dentus•Dentino Dental Center celebrated its 10th anniversary and released the third issue of the magazine “Dentus•Dentino”
A DECADE of passion for perfect smiles The Dentus•Dentino Dental Center recently celebrated 10 years of activity, an important milestone marked by a series of...
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Why is my jaw clicking? Causes & Treatments
Does your jaw hurt, crunch, and click? If the crunching is accompanied by these symptoms: clicking, creaking, pain radiating to the ear, jaw displacement...
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Andreea and the sapphire braces
Andreea Andriuță is an example for her generation. She doesn't know what fear of the dentist's office means. Today she smiles with happiness and...
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- str. Decebal 80/1
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